What makes you happy.....?
What is your purpose for being here......?
What am I meant to do with my life........?
Are these questions that you have considered or felt a need to have answered? If your answer is YES you are far from alone, this age old issue has plagued humanity since the dawn of time, and will continue to do so.
So how do we solve this dilemma? Where do we go to find the answers to these and so many others questions we have?
We have an innate ability in life of creating much bigger.... more in depth problems of issues that we face each day then need be, Why? The answer... EGO. This simple 3 letter word holds more power over humanity then any nuclear weapon, dictator, or maximum security prison. So often referred to as an acronym for Edging God Out, the ego survives on fear, distrust, quilt, anger and all other emotions that breathe a negative vibration. Is the ego something we learn to live with and simply push to one side when it raises its ugly head, or do we simply try to chop it off! So many well versed experts have discussed this issue and the consensus seems to be split down the middle, my two cents...we chop the head off and say so long.
My reasoning coincides with a man much better versed on this topic then me Mr. Wayne Dyer. Mr. Dyer states “Very early in life EGO tells us that we are separate from everyone else….directly contradicting Spirit, which reminds us that we share the same life force with everyone.” He goes on to state “Knowing that we have been created in the image of our creator, and therefore have the same essence and ultimate potential, means that EGO is out of the picture!! EGO denies our original invisible reality, so it must be removed and completely banished from our awareness.” Strong words, but I feel encapsulates the power EGO has and the importance to remove EGO from ones life.
So we stay away from all forms of negativity, we banish EGO from our awareness, what next ….do we slay the dragons of medieval times? I know this seems like a mighty tall mountain to climb but all things come with time and patience…..and no you’re not finished yet!
“Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.” (Epicurus) When we associate material wealth with abundance we fall back into the trap of EGO, so as Epicurus states abundance is found in what we enjoy, our passion our bliss in life.
I know this isn’t a four point course in finding your bliss in life, it’s not a 1,2,3, type of process, but it’s not a complex one either, unless you create one. Yes for most of us it is a struggle and a long process, and some never do find that elusive BLISS of life, but the process is part of the journey and the success you feel at the end.Remember the journey is just as important as the end result.
For some this final step may be the biggest challenge, for it involves being in alignment with God, yes I said it GOD! I normally never preach religion or faith but this process from my perspective does involve a higher power, our creator. For me it is GOD. When we are back in alignment with a creator, a place we originated from we are open to receive, and only then will our true path in life be revealed.
Again this is my option from the books I have consumed and the videos I have watched over the past 15 years of looking for my bliss. Have I found it? Well it’s still a work in progress, but I can state the place that I stand today feels much better and in alignment with my purpose in life then ever before.
Shawn Murphy