Monday, 8 October 2012

Moving to the next level

Over the past few years I have been slowing diving into a lifestyle that benefits me both physically and mentally.

My consumption of books ranging from Spirituality, Holistic Medicine, The power of the Mind, Nutrition, The Law of Attraction....and the list goes on, has assisted in transformed me into the person I am today.

True..... I am seen as a little different, someone that marches to his own drummer.... and you know what?

 I like being seen in that light, let me take a quote from the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger "The worst thing I could be, is the same as everybody else. I'd hate that!  

 And so would I.......

You see we can all jump on the band wagon of what is popular, what is trendy, what is seen from society as the right direction, but for me I see life as MY journey!

My journey consists of.........

Living a life that is loving.

Living a life that is non judge-mental.

Living a life that is beneficial to ME but also improves the lives of others.

Living a life that includes healthy eating.

Living a life that includes obtaining  the best physical health I can achieve.

Living a life that includes giving thanks to my higher power.

And everything else that falls under these umbrellas.

So in moving forward I intend on blogging all the information I find on these topics for those that share these common interests.

Some say "knowledge is power"....I see it a little different, I see "Applied knowledge as power". I can read all the books ever printed, but if I fail to apply them to my life I am simply just understanding the principles of what I have just read.

Sharing what I learn allows me to help others gain that information......but also pushes me to go to that next level and apply it to my life. So together lets make a difference in each others lives, lets take an active role in moving forward in a positive direction and becoming a better person in the process.

I look forward to this journey and the lessons to be learned......

Feel free to post your comments and views, for this is an open form, this is just my view point, my opinion, I am also looking for the answers...and as my wife tells me, I have been wrong once or twice....   

Blessings, and thank you for taking part.

Shawn Murphy

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