Sunday, 14 October 2012

Winter IS coming.... so get your body ready!

When the days become shorter, we get less natural sunlight and thus spend more time indoors breathing less-than-fresh air.

Consequently, seeing we experience a few flurries yesterday,winter may be closer then we think!

 Many of us are afflicted by what is often called "the winter blues." The blues are characterized by a general malaise and feeling of low energy. This usually causes many people to engage in less physical activity and soon, the blues spiral into general sloth and depression.

The good news is that your body has a natural antidote for this minor inconvenience. The magic antidote is your own, natural, super powerful endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that bind to opiate receptors and are found mainly in the brain. And nothing is more perfectly suited for you than your own, natural hormones. They make you feel great and they don't hurt you in any way.

More good news: One of the easiest ways to get your body to release large doses of endorphins into your system is by engaging in intense workouts. I'm not talking about a 10 minute walk on the treadmill or a 5 minute free weights workout with a 25 minute chat in between sets. I'm talking intense......

Fast paced walk on the tread mill at a fair incline....and when using free weights or gym equipment reduce your rest time between sets, get your heart pumping and your muscles working.

Please do not try jumping in the lake if you have never swam before ....PLEASE, consult your physician or a certified fitness trainer on your starting program. For people that do work out and know their body this is a good time to step it up when your outdoor activity level may be less frequent.

Lets not forget keeping your body active and fit is great....just don't forget about the mental workouts that are also needed for a complete and health frame of mind. These go hand in hand and one should not out perform the other.

Just my two cents on this topic, hope it was helpful and gets you to the goal you are setting for yourself with a new year quickly approaching......



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